Thursday, 5 May 2011

Winning Tickets!

Sorry this has taken all day! I've finally drawn the winning entries for my competition out of the hat, thank you so much to everyone who has entered for your lovely comments! I can now announce the results...

The signed copy of Magpie's Treasure goes to MARIA BOGADE.
And PIPPA BRAEBURN has won the Wren and Fox prints!

HOORAY! Congratulations Maria and Pippa, please get in touch and let me know your address.

I hope everyone is having a lovely Thursday! MAGPIE'S TREASURE is out in paperback today! I'll be signing in Chelmsford and London in May and June, so hopefully see some of you there?!


Playing by the book said...

Love the hat!

Kate Slater said...

Thank you, I have a substantial collection! Although most of them are wide brimmed - this is my only nautical hat.

Maria Bogade said...

Oh, wonderful, Kate! So excited!