Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Miser Mistle Thrush - The RSPB

I've just updated my website with the RSPB Wild Times illustration for November/December (hence the profusion of holly)! This time the story features a mistle thrush and song thrush (both rather similar), a flock or redwings and a blackbird.

I'll be at BirdFair 2011 with the RSPB on Saturday 20th August running yet another collage workshop and signing copies of Magpie's Treasure! There's more information about the fair here which is taking place at the Egleton Nature Reserve in Rutland, if you're looking for some summer holiday fun then come along - children under 16 get in free! See my previous blog post for information on signings and workshops in London over the next two weekends.

1 comment:

Shelley Whiting's art said...

Your birds are very fun and adorable. Cool stuff.