Monday, 12 April 2010

A Flourishing Flock

I've been quite busy lately, but the only things I can show you at the moment are the Yorkshire Sculpture Park birds. So here are 19 of them spread across the dining room table in Staffordshire-home (as opposed to London-home)! In fact, it's a good job I can whizz up to Staffordshire to work sometimes because I'd struggle to fit this gaggle into my room. And I haven't even started the pelican.


d e b b i e said...


Katriona said...

These are gorgeous. They're quite big - do you always work at this kind of size?

Kate Slater said...

Thank you!

Well, I always work quite big when I do an illustration, but these have to be especially large because the window they're going in is 2.7m x 3.9m!

Katie Adams said...

Amazing work!

Shirley said...

Your work is unbelievably amazing! I'm so happy to have found you via : )