Monday, 14 March 2011

T is For...


A sample illustration for a new project, which I've just added to my website.

Posts have been few and far between lately, mostly because I'm busy illustrating a book for Oxford University Press and also working at Richard Clarke First School 3 days a week as part of the Creative Partenerships scheme. I'm helping 110 children collectively write and illustrate a children's book, which although somewhat frazzling is generally hugely fun!


Maria Bogade said...

This is lovely and your project with the kids sounds wonderful too! Hope to see more soon!

cassia said...

Brilliant! love it.

Marie-Margaux Tsakiri-Scanatovits said...

its beautiful! I wish taxi drivers were so smiley everyday!

Anna Wilson-Patterson said...

Love the taxis and the scarf.

Coralie Colorie said...

This illustration is wonderful! I love it!

Nozomi Inoue said...

It is Lovely!

Farnell said...


Come and see my blog.

Jenny said...

Ooh how lovely to have found your blog! I bought some bear postcards a wee while ago and have to stop every time I pass where they sit, as I keep noticing another little bit of paper so cleverly used!..needless to say I am in complete awe and LOVE your work...and this "taxi" one is no exception! :)

rachel awes said...

gorgeous birds & wing & flight
are you. xo