Sunday 20 May 2012

Upcycled Lanterns

I've been making lanterns. The one with the horse was for a present, the flowery one an experiment in seeing how quickly I could work once I knew what I was aiming for. The answer is: not very quickly at all - I would have to sell them for extortionate prices (you could probably buy a solid gold lantern for less)! However, all hope is not lost, I'm working on a speedier technique! Any ideas?


heartstitch said...

These are great! I love the horse one :) It's so good that you've put them on wire too - safety first!

katy alston said...

lovely forest! Have you come across" wet strong paper"?
They use it with willow weaving look up willow website and you can use it to make lanterns and collage on! (just a thought)

katy alston said...

lovely forest! Have you come across" wet strong paper"?
They use it with willow weaving look up willow website and you can use it to make lanterns and collage on! (just a thought)

Kate Slater said...

Thank you!

Katy, that sounds really interesting, thanks! I think I might order some... Will update you on my progress!